Applying to calls is ALWAYS FREE!

Request for Qualifications: Reimagining the Kalakala

Budget: $3,000
Activated: 08/15/2024
Deadline: 09/16/2024
Call Summary
The City of Kirkland is seeking an artist/artist team to create a permanent artwork proposal that reimagines the remnants of the Kalakala ferry.

Budget Description
A selection panel will select three artists/artist teams to create a detailed project proposal for their approach to creating an artwork with the remnants of the Kalakala ferry. The winning proposal will be presented to Kirkland City Council for approval.

Project Description
Scope of Work
The selected Artist/Artist Team will use one or two of the salvaged pieces of the Kalakala, that the City of Kirkland purchased in 2015, to create a new artwork that honors Kirkland’s past and future. “At its debut in 1935, the Kalakala, named after the Chinook word for bird, was the largest and fastest ferry on Puget Sound, a bold statement of imagination after the Great Depression. “ (History Link)

Kirkland, located in East King County, is known for its Lake Washington waterfront, vibrant downtown, parks, and robust public art collection. The Kirkland City Council has taken action to ensure that the City is safe and welcoming for residents and visitors alike. With this project, the City seeks public art that addresses those aspirations and reflects the City’s diversity, including racial and ethnic diversity, diversity of sexual identity and orientation, gender diversity, and diversity of age and ability.

The City of Kirkland has changed tremendously since it was the site that built the Kalakala. As of 2024, it is recorded that 92,015 residents live in Kirkland, with a median age of 38, up from just over 2,000 residents in 1935. Kirkland's demographics have shifted as well, to a growing Asian, Hispanic, and Black population. Kirkland is now home to many companies like Google and Costco, and it was the original home for the Seattle Seahawks football team.

Honoring both the origins of the ferry's name, rooted in the history and language of the Chinook people, and the City's fast-growing, diverse population, Kirkland is ready for a reimagining of the Kalakala that fosters a sense of belonging and pride for both residents and visitors.

Three Artists/Artist teams will be selected to create a detailed artwork proposal. Each Artist/Artist Team will receive a $3,000 stipend for their proposal and retain all copyright privileges. The selected artist and budget will be presented to Kirkland City Council for final approval. Upon approval, the artist will move into contracting.

There is no guarantee of work after proposals are submitted.

Artwork Goals
For this call we are asking artists to work with the wheelhouse portion of the ferry, in parts or as a whole.
Here is a link to learn more about the salvaged pieces of the Kalakala purchased by the City of Kirkland.

Artwork Location Description
The artwork(s) will be sited at the south trailhead of the Cross Kirkland Corridor, Kirkland, WA.

Site History
The ferry Kalakala was launched from the Lake Washington Shipyards in Kirkland on July 2, 1935. Between 1935 and 1967, the streamlined ferry plied the waters of Puget Sound, carrying commuting workers between Seattle and the naval shipyard in Bremerton. Auctioned off in 1967, the Kalakala spent the next 31 years in Alaska, serving as a fish processor. The vessel returned to Seattle on November 6, 1998. After failed attempts to raise sufficient funds to restore her, she was auctioned off again, moved to Neah Bay, removed from Neah Bay, and in September 2004 moved to Tacoma. In 2015, with no further hope for restoration, the Kalakala was dismantled for scrap metal. – (History Link) In early 2015, the City of Kirkland purchased several pieces of the historic Kalakala Ferry, and has allocated funds for the development of art concepts with future funding to be determined.

Read more about the history of the Kalakala here -¬

This call is open to all artists living and working in Washington State.
Application Requirements
Work examples: 6 - 12
Artist Statement: 300 word maximum
Letter of Interest: 700 word maximum
Your Letter of Interest details your interest in the project and how you will amplify diverse voices in the development of the artwork. Do not exceed 3 paragraphs.
Artists are allowed to apply in teams.
Artists applying as a team must split the allotted number of work examples between themselves.
Selection Information
Selection Process
Three Artists/Artist teams will be selected to create a detailed artwork proposal, including sketches, proposed approach, materials, and budget.
Selection Criteria
Artists will be evaluated based on the artistic expression of their past work and how their letter of interest relates to the scope of work. The City of Kirkland reserves the right to reject any and all qualifications, and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.

KCAC Art Call Selection Scoring Rubric
The Kirkland Cultural Arts Commission (KCAC) uses a scoring rubric—based on City of Kirkland Public Art Policy Guidelines and funders’ intent—in its selection process. The KCAC recommends selections to the Kirkland City Council for final approval based on the total points scored in these following categories:
1. Responsiveness to the Project Call: Theme and Other Project Specifics—50 points.
How well does the submitted work respond to the specifics of the call, in terms of theme, location (if applicable), and medium (if applicable)?
Scale: not competitive (1-9); fair (10-19); good (20-29); great (30-39); excellent (40-45); exceptional (46-50).
2. Overall Alignment with City of Kirkland Public Art Policy Guidelines – 20 points
Does the submitted work reflect Kirkland’s Public Art Vision to maintain a diverse public art collection that values and honors artistic endeavor and the creative process, recognizes the role of public art in a welcoming and inclusive community, invites interaction, fosters civic identity and community pride, inspires a sense of discovery, stimulates cultural awareness, and encourages economic development?
Scale: not competitive (1-2); fair (3-6); good (7-10); great (11-15); excellent (15-19); exceptional (20).
3. Artistic Merit – 20 points
How well does the submitted work show artistic value, including formal qualities, technical ability, relevance to the current historical context, and the creative expression of content?
Scale: not competitive (1-2); fair (3-6); good (7-10); great (11-15); excellent (15-19); exceptional (20).
4. Artist’s Capabilities – 10 points
Does the work submitted, including the artist’s statement and submitted work samples, demonstrate the artist’s ability to meet the project requirements and fully realize the project.
Scale: not competitive (1); fair (2-3); good (4-5); great (6-7); excellent (8-9); exceptional (10).

Support and Feedback:
We are here to help! We will work with you to make sure your application meets the selection criteria. Feel free to reach out to public art project manager, Elisheba Johnson, at for any questions about this project. Or attend one or both of the application information sessions below. This will be an opportunity to ask the project manager questions about the project, questions about the application process, and to receive feedback on your work samples.

Application Information Sessions*
Session 1
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024 6pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
ID: 89310867277
Passcode: 434478
Session 2
Monday, September 9th, 2024, 6pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
ID: 89975781050
Passcode: 049074
*Information sessions will be recorded.
Tentative Timeline:
Thursday, August 15th, 2024
Call Opens

Monday, September 16th, 2024, 11:59 pm (PST)
Call Closes

Week of September 16th, 2024
Panel selects three artists to create a detailed proposal that includes sketches, proposed approach, materials and budget.

Monday, October 14th, 2024
Artist Proposals Due

October 14th-28th , 2024
Artist Presentations/Interviews

1st Quarter, 2025 (Pending Approval by City Council)
Artist Selected and Under Contract


1st Quarter 2026
Artwork Installation

2nd Quarter 2026
Artwork Dedication
Additional Resources
Kalakala Remnants (JPG)
Artwork Location (PNG)
Map-South Trailhead_Cross Kirkland Corridor (PNG)
Contact Information
Elisheba Johnson
Submission Instructions
Website Address
Website Submission Instructions
Please submit the following materials via the google form (linked above) : • 6-12 Images of Past Work (jpg) • 1 Artist Statement or Bio (300 words max) • 1 Letter of Interest (3 paragraphs max) detailing your interest in the project and how you will amplify diverse voices in the development of the artwork. Deadline: Monday, September 16th, 2024, 11:59 pm (PST) If you have any questions about submitting your materials, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Alison Post at



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